Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Woo hoo!

Here we go! For all 5 of you dear, dedicated blogging friends that decided to join me on this journey... welcome. As for the rest of you... I really didn't want you to read my new super cool blog anyway. No really... just stop reading.

Kidding, kidding! Totally and utterly kidding! :)

Anyway, let's get down to blogging business. First of all... I have been craving blogging lately. Not sure if that's normal but hopefully the feeling will last and I will not become a blog slacker. Well, actually, I can guarantee that I will be a blog slacker at times, but hopefully it will only be for short periods of time! :)

Secondly... the name of the blog. Does anyone get the double entendre? Anyone? Do you even know what a double entendre is... because I totally had to google the spelling of it and double check that I was using the correct term. (Proud of me, Nieder & Mel?) Ok, obviously, "Ever Since Grace," as in, ever since we had our daughter Grace. But ALSO "Ever Since Grace," as in, ever since I received and understood the Grace of God in my life. The two are pretty big milestones and are pretty big sources of inspiration for my blogging, so I thought the title was appropriate.

What are your thoughts? I'm still open to suggestions... I mean, I like the idea I have going here, but if you can think of a better way to say it, I am all ears. See, I told you, I like group participation. Even if it's only 5 brave people willing to speak up. (I really hope you non-welcome people aren't still reading!) :)

Oh, and I also threw this little blog design together with the help of "Cutest Little Blog on the Block." It didn't turn out so cute because I tried to add this header and throw in some text. Wow... way over my head. Anyway, it's a work in progress and will hopefully be updated soon, so please don't judge me based on my design. (I'll probably disclose way worse things about myself that you can judge anyway.) :)

Ok, I think that's it for now. Nothing too earth shattering to share for my first post. This is fun though- I kind of like blogging about nothing. Oh wait, I do have one more question before I embark on this blogging journey...

What are some of your favorite "Mommy blogs" that are interesting to read even if you don't know the family? Serious ones, funny ones, deep ones- I want them all for some inspiration! I am bad at reading blogs of people I don't know... not sure why. Maybe because I tend to be short on this little thing called "time" and I tend to be too selfish with it. Not sure. But I better not say anything else to avoid going off on a little rant. I should probably save my ranting for my second blog post, don't ya think? :)


  1. YAY!!!You did it!! :) I LOVE the name- you need to keep it. One of my favorite mommy blogs is http://dreamingbigdreams.net/
    She is awesome!!

  2. Very fun!! I want to be a dedicated reader, add me to the list!! :) And I only read blogs of people I know too, so I'm not sure I'll be much help there!

  3. I have two favorite parts about this blog. #1- I got a shout out. #2 - It says you posted it at 3:00 AM. Girl, you crazy!!!

  4. Happy to be the inaugural commenter... a few things:

    1. I love the title and totally caught the double meaning and think its beautiful

    2. I can't wait to read your deep thoughts and I look forward to it inspiring me to think / write / act.

    3. Lastly, the best blog I have ever read is mine.

  5. Ok... strange! There were a couple other comments here that have mysteriously disappeared! When did blogging become so complicated? :)

    And thank you Karen! Ha- I do LOVE reading your blog!
